Mommy Makeover Houston

Mommy Makeover Surgery- What is it?

However, the important question is that what does mommy makeover include? Mommy makeover is an umbrella term for a number of cosmetic surgical procedures with the inclusion of rejuvenation of abdomen and breasts.

Another significant question which follows the first one is that why would you need a mommy makeover in the first place? A woman’s body is altered significantly after pregnancy. This experience is unlike any other and some of it changes are quite irreversible. Although, diet and exercise can help you to a certain degree but there are indeed certain after effects such as stretched skin, fat deposits which refuse to budge and abdominal muscles that have been separated, whose only cure lies in surgery.

Thus, mommy make over is the ideal solution for you if you want to look and feel the same way like you did before your pregnancy. This combination of several surgical treatments boost up your confidence and make you feel and look your best. The various surgical procedures which this treatment includes are:

Breast Lift, Breast Augmentation

Tummy Tuck


There are several other treatments as well which are generally conjugated with these standard procedures. These treatments include:

Treatment of Cellulite

Elimination of Stretch Marks

Tightening of Skin.

Mommy Makeover- Who is the Ideal Candidate?

The name of the surgical solution itself indicates its ideal candidates. Those women who want to restore their pre-pregnancy bodies and improve them are the ones who ought to go for mommy makeovers.

Important: Doctors recommend that you ought not to embark upon this surgery soon after your delivery. In fact, it is best to give your body a healing time of three to six months. Also, you should get the surgery done once you have stopped breast-feeding. This enables the doctors to get an idea of the true shape and size of your breasts. Furthermore, it is safest to have a mommy makeover done when you are done with having children. Another pregnancy would just reverse the results of mommy makeover and you may have to go for the surgery all over again.

Who should not go for Mommy Makeover?

Women who are thinking or wanting to have more children should certainly not go for Mommy Makeovers. Embark upon the procedure only if you are done with all of your surgeries. Also, mommy makeover is not a weight loss procedure. Do not get the surgery done if you are still thinking about losing a considerable amount of weight.

What is the Procedure?

  1. Tummy Tucks

Pregnancy put a lot of stress on your abdomen. Not only does pregnancy affect your midsection, rather the subsequent weight gain and loss which accompanies it will also have its due toll. As a consequence, the size and shape of our stomachs is significantly altered. When diet and exercise refuse to address these particular issues of yours, then in this case mommy makeover might be the only solution left open for you.

Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck is used by doctors to address and ultimately cure these issues with your mid-section. A tummy tucks surgery would make your stomach firm and enable you to get rid of any loose skin. The procedure would involve an incision made at your pubic bone. Liposuction can also be deployed to eliminate stubborn deposits and small pockets of fat.

There is a variety of tummy tuck procedures out there and your surgeon would decide which one works the best for you depending upon your individual condition and consequent needs. These procedures differ from each other owing to varying degrees of skin and muscle laxity. The number of incisions made in each of these procedures also varies.  The different types of these tummy tucks include:

  1. Extended Tummy Tuck_ Belt lipectomy
  2. Reverse tummy tuck- that runs from breast bone to the stomach
  3. Traditional tummy tuck-full abdominoplasty
  4. Mini tummy tuck- small incision abdominoplasty
  5. Non-surgical body contouring- with the help of liposuction, injections or lasers.
  1. Breast Lift/ Augmentation

Motherhood is one of the greatest joys and blessings that life can offer, but at times it can have really drastic effects on your bodies as well. You may have to face problems that you had never expected. One of these typical problems include ‘the breast problem’.

The size and shape of your breasts may alter after pregnancy and breast feeding. This is because your breasts are greatly affected by hormonal changes during this period. The different types of breast enhancement include:

  • Breast Lift

Breast lift is a lasting solution to cure saggy, droopy breasts. At times, breast lift alone wouldn’t fix the problem of sagging breasts and loss of volume, therefore the procedure might have to be conjugated with breast implants as well.

However, if the size of your breasts satisfies you and all you want is to make them a little perky then breast lift is what you should go for. During pregnancy your skin and underlying tissue gets stretched and as a consequence your breast skin might sag.

In Breast Lift, this excessive saggy skin is removed to improve the appearance of your breasts. Also, the breast tissue is remodeled so that it sits higher and as a perkier position. As far as the incisions are concerned, there is a whole variety of incision placement options. Small incisions leads to less scarring. Generally however, these scars run from the nipple down to the breast crease. At times, these scars can run along the side of the breast crease as well.

  • Breast Implants/Augmentation

Another form of breast enhancement is the use of implants for breast augmentation. Implants improve the size of your breasts, making them fuller and improving their projection. At times, your breast tissue might diminish after pregnancy and breast feeding. Implants are the ideal solution for such a situation. Implants not only increase the breast size but they also make your breasts firmer.

  • Breast Reduction

During pregnancy, due to the hormonal changes taking place inside your body, your breasts may swell and become fuller. In some women this change is their breast size is irreversible and their breasts remain larger. Some women would welcome the change, however if your breasts become disproportionately larger, then a number of problems might surface such as a poor posture, skeletal deformities, respiratory issues and an overall sense of low self-esteem.

In such a situation, breast reduction might be done. This surgical procedure would address all the issues delineated above by getting rid of some fat and glandular tissue. Moreover, the skin would also be tightened so that you end up with well-proportioned, lighter breasts.

  1. Removal of Fat/Liposuction

Liposuction is the most widely practiced cosmetic surgery procedure to get rid of fat which refuses to answer either to diet or exercise. However, it is not the ideal treatment for stretched skin and muscles. Therefore, liposuction is usually conjugated with a tummy tuck in order to attain a perfectly toned pre-pregnancy mid-section. When both of these procedures are carried out together, the patient’s abdomen becomes much more defined and her waist is dramatically accentuated. An accentuated waist with nice contours wonderfully complements a flattened abdomen and thus this procedure is crucial for a successful mommy makeover.

At this juncture you might be wondering how liposuction is carried out. Majority of the liposuction which is carried out in mommy makeovers is suction-assisted lipectomy. In this process, suction is deployed to remove excessive fat from the body. What happens is that the surgeons insert a cannula under the skin so that the fat gets loosened. Now, this cannula is utilized for the suction process in order to remove fat.

Advancement in SAL technology has made it possible for smaller cannulas to be used. Improved techniques also result in finely sculpted contours. Another specialized techniques such as ultra sound and tumescence might also be conjugated with SAL in order to attain premium results.

  1. Tightening of Skin- Cellulite treatment

The effects of pregnancy and breast-feeding are not the same for all women. For some major surgeries might not be needed and a little tweaking and tightening might be enough. This loose skin can be a treated with a number of non-surgical options. Also there are a number of anti-cellulite treatments available now. You can find both surgical and non-invasive options but it is strongly recommended that before going for either of these option you embark upon an appropriate diet and exercise schedule.

  1. Getting rid of stretch marks

Sudden weight gain and weight loss is an inevasible reality of pregnancy. These weight fluctuations propel your skin to stretch much more quickly and forcefully as compared to its normal capacity. The dermis is pulled which consequently leads to the weakening and ultimately breaking down of collagen. Nothing can eventually stop the formation of stretch marks but they can be significantly reduced if you keep your body well-moisturized.

Furthermore, stretch marks are not confined to any particular part of the body. They can appear anywhere, however their usual development sites during pregnancy are breasts, thighs, abdomen and hips.

There are a number of minimally invasive laser treatments available now which can take care of these stretch marks satisfactorily. They can also be excised out of the skin during a tummy tuck if they are present below the belly button. In case, they are present above the belly button, then they are repositioned so that they go lower.

What are the options available to you?

There is a multitude of options available, however you can figure out which procedures will work the best for you by consulting with your doctor. Your own desire and choice is also given significant importance in this regard.

  1. In case of breast augmentation, you have the option of silicone gel implants or saline implants or fat grafting. Your surgeon could guide you about which option would work the best for you.
  2. As far as liposuction is concerned, there are multiple advanced technologies and techniques associated with it. Few of them were also elaborated above. Your individual preferences and your doctor’s recommendations would decide which technique would work the best for you.
  3. You also have a deciding role to place in the placement of your incisions.

What will your incision scars be like?

Skilled and qualified surgeons would make sure that your incision scars are made in such a manner that they can be hidden easily. They will also ensure that these scars are small and inconspicuous.

  • In tummy tucks, the scars are generally made above the pubic area and they stretch from one hip to the other. The length and visibility of this scar may vary, but it is generally placed along the natural crease of your bikini line.
  • The incisions made in liposuction are small, therefore their scars are also smaller and pretty inconspicuous. Skilled surgeons would take care to place them in such areas where they can be hidden easily
  • The scarring patterns in breast lifts may vary. Some of these scars might get hidden in natural breast contours, although others might be difficult to hide and may appear on the breast’s surface.
  • In breast reduction, there are four distinct incision patterns. The choice of your perfect incision pattern would depend upon the size of your breast, the extent to which your breasts are sagging and the placement of your nipple-areola complex on your breast.
  • Breast augmentation also has almost four incision patterns. An incision can either be made underneath the breast, near the armpit, around the belly button or at the underside edge of the areola.

Preparing for your Mommy Makeover Surgery

In order to yield the best results from this surgery, it is important that you prepare yourself not only physically but also mentally for the operation. Your surgeon would certainly provide you with most of these post-operative instructions. Also, he/she would probably ask you for your detailed medical history and ask you to get a physical examination done so that your fitness level might be determined.

In case your surgeon asks you to bring certain alterations in your lifestyle, then it is best to do as he recommends. Moreover, if he gives you some weight benchmarks, make sure that you pay heed to them. These simple precautions would ensure that you reap the best results from your surgery and that any chances of complications are reduced a great deal.

Some Important Pointers:

  1. No matter what type of surgical procedures might be included in your mommy makeover, hydration is something that is mandatory in every case.
  2. Appropriate hydration both before and after the operation ensures successful recovery.
  3. Make sure that you exercise regularly, at least for thirty minutes every day.
  4. Your diet intake should be adequately balanced and should comprise of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.
  5. Alcohol consumption should be negligible or it ought to be reduced as much as possible.
  6. Smoking is strictly prohibited. You should start abstaining from smoking and any kind of tobacco intake at least six months prior to the surgery.
  7. Make preparations for your recovery period. Make your home as comfortable as possible and make sure that you get hold of someone to help you with your kids and other chores during that time period.

Where will the surgery be performed?

Mommy makeover surgery can be performed in a number of places. It all depends upon your convenience and discretion. It can either be performed in a hospital or a private ambulatory facility. It can also be carried out in your doctor’s surgical suite.

What will be the duration of surgery?

The duration of mommy makeover depends upon the extent of surgery and the number and type of surgical procedures being performed. Your doctor can give you an estimate of this duration depending upon your individual circumstances.

What will happen during the surgery?

  • You would either be given local anesthesia or general anesthesia so that you stay comfortable during the operation. An anesthesiologist would be present in the operation room to take care of this and to administer these sedatives.
  • Also, in order to make sure that your condition remains stable, your vital organs would be continually monitored. A large number of monitors would be keeping track of your heart beat, your pulse rate, your blood pressure etc.
  • The surgery may comprise of a single technique/ procedure or a combination of these techniques. This surgical plan would be discussed with you prior to the surgery. However, during the surgery, the doctor might have to bring some change in this plan as per the need of that time and its particular circumstances. In such situations, it is very important that you trust your doctor and the decisions he might take on your behalf.
  • Surgical drains might be inserted into your body after the surgery.
  • Once the surgery is completed, give yourself time to adjust with surgical bandages and dressings. Make sure that you learn how to empty and reset the drains before leaving for your home.
  • You can either go home immediately after the surgery or you can stay in the surgical facility under the care of a nurse for a day or two depending upon your individual condition and discretion.

Recovery from Mommy Makeover Surgery

Recovery time varies from individual to individual. Your surgeon is the right person to give you an estimate of your healing period. He can give you an idea of how long it might take you to resume your normal levels of activity.

What is the estimated time frame?

The best part of mommy makeover is that several surgical procedures are performed simultaneously so you have to undergo a single recovery period. The first week following the surgery may be the worst one to endure because at this time, the pangs of pain, swelling and bruising would be at its peak.  Your doctor can prescribe you certain pain medication for you during this period to make it bearable.

After this first week you can start walking around the house but you cannot drive as yet.

After almost two weeks, your sutures and drains would be removed and you can then drive a little.

Swelling should subside and become negligible in almost 5 weeks.

This situation would gradually improve in a couple of weeks. However, you are advised not to embark upon any strenuous activity for at least 6 weeks.

The results of the surgery would begin to show themselves after approximately 6 months

What to expect after the surgery?

Your surgeon would provide you with detailed post-operative instructions. This briefing about post-surgical care would include:

  • Emptying and resetting of drains
  • Knowledge about any possible complications and their potential signs.
  • Apart from the surgical drains, you will also be expected to wear a compression garment.

Healing from the surgery

You can only heal successfully if you pay heed to the post-surgical care instructions given to you by your doctor. Some of these post-surgical instructions have already been mentioned above. These include wearing of a compression garment, regular intake of prescribed medicines and only embarking upon those activities or that level of activity which is deemed safe by your surgeon.

You will also be informed about various signs of infections so that you can stay on your lookout and not be taken in by sheer ignorance. Given below are some precautions which would ensure smooth recovery.

  1. Get someone to help you with your medications and your household chores at least for some time after the surgery.
  2. It is very important that you have loads of help to assist you with your kids and other numerous tit bits at home. This is because you are not supposed to do any heavy lifting or any other strenuous activity for approximately four to six weeks, no matter how much you might be tempted to do so.
  3. Take support from several pillows under your back while sleeping. Moreover, keeping your legs bent lightly from your hips would ensure that a lot of stress is not placed upon your incisions. This simple precaution would not only reduce the tension of incisions but it would also bring about a reduction in pain. The best part is that it would help to diminish scarring so that it doesn’t appear to be very prominent.
  4. Make sure that you are well acquainted with any possible signs of infections. You ought to call your surgeon immediately of you notice any of these indications such as redness, swelling, bleeding or unusual drainage. Development of fever, bouts of nausea, and problems in breathing, chest pain and increased rate of heart beat are also markers of trouble.
  5. Along with a compression garment, your surgeon may also ask you to wear a surgical bra if you have undertaken any breast enhancement procedure, be it breast lift or reduction. Wearing have this bra can significantly help in reduction of swelling. Generally the swelling does subside after a couple of weeks but at time depending upon the extent of surgery and one’s healing capacity, this swelling may take months to subside.
  6. To aid your recovery from a tummy tuck, you might be required to wear an abdominal binder.
  7. Showers are allowed after a couple of weeks. You may shower once you have removed all gauze tapes and surgical bandages.
  8. Once you have showered, you are supposed to dry off your incisions by patting them gently. Ultimately, place them again into the abdominal binder.
  9. Six weeks is generally the full recovery period for a mommy makeover surgery. Before the culmination of these six weeks, contact sports and strenuous activities like lifting and jogging must be avoided.

Thus, you not only have to plan for and anticipate the mommy makeover surgery itself, but you also need to plan for its recovery time. Another important thing which you need to remember is that check-ups are crucial during this time period. You need to get yourself regular checkups alternately so that your healing progress can be carefully monitored.

Any possible risks and complications?

Although the satisfaction rate from mommy makeover surgeries is pretty high, yet there is indeed a plausible risk of complications. Some of these risk factors include:

  1. Infections
  2. Bleeding
  3. Reaction to anesthesia
  4. Hematoma
  5. Allergic reactions
  6. Blood clots
  7. Certain extent of scarring

However, these risks are decreased considerably if you deploy the services of an experienced and skilled surgeon.

Financing options for your mommy makeover surgery

Before embarking upon the surgery, it is important that you sketch out a financing plan for yourself. Since, many of the surgical procedures involved in mommy makeover are classified under cosmetic surgery, therefore your insurance might not cover them. However, although some parts of this procedure might be covered by your insurance. For instance, if large, disproportionate breasts cause you back pain and other discomforts, then breast reduction might be covered by insurance.

Yet, it need to be understood at this juncture that insurance would only take care of that surgery which takes care of your symptoms. If you are looking for a much comprehensive cosmetic treatment then you would have to look for other financing options other than your insurance coverage. You can always pay out of your own pocket to get whatever aesthetic surgical procedures you might desire.

Some doctors might also accept credit cards; but if you are paying from a credit card, then you need to make sure that you lay out a proper, scheduled plan for payments.

The cost of these procedures would definitely vary from area to area and doctor to doctor. It also depends upon the extent of your surgery.

Selecting the Right Surgeon

Selection of the right surgeon is what make your surgery a success or a failure. The question is that who is the ‘right’ surgeon? Doctors with expertise in cosmetic surgery, skill, qualification and experience are definitely the right choice for anyone seeking to get their mommy makeover done.

Apart from the surgeon’s certification, training, expertise and experience, another important factor which is equally important and should be given due consideration is your level of comfort with your surgeon.

Make sure that you frankly convey your desires and expectations to your doctor, so that you don’t end up being disappointed from the surgery’s results.

How lasting are the results from Mommy Makeover surgery?

The results from mommy makeover surgeries are supposed to be permanent, given that you do not put on too much weight or do not undergo another pregnancy. Having said this, you need to remember that mommy makeovers will not keep your miraculously young forever. It cannot prevent you from aging.

Also, if you have got breast implants in your mommy makeover, then you need to remember that these implants are not going to be permanent, and they require regular maintenance or they will have to be explanted or replaced.

Furthermore, never fail to contact your surgeon and convey your concerns to him if any.